Meet Our Contributors!

Megan R.
5 Children
Megan is a homeschool mom of 6, wife to Jon, former public school teacher, and follower of Christ. Homeschooling and homemaking are areas that the Lord has drawn her to be passionate about and it is her desire to be as intentional as she can in both.
She entered the world of "homeschool mom" after the birth of their fourth child in 2014. Through the years her desire has gown to homeschool and mentor others. She and her family have been members of a local homeschool co-op, where Megan also teaches, for 8 years. As part of her desire to encourage and help others in their homeschool journey, Megan has mentored and been a consultant for others.
Megan first began homeschooling when she had 4 children under the age of 5. "It just didn't make sense to pay for all that childcare." As soon as the decision was made, it became obvious that her and her husband where fulfilling exactly what the Lord was calling them to do. She began as a Charlotte Mason homeschooler that evolved into a more eclectic style when one of her son's began exhibiting signs of a learning disability.
Over the years there have been many changes and dynamics to Megan's homeschool, between a child with severe dyslexia, homeschooling with babies and toddlers, and varying ages and learning styles. She is dedicated to finding what fits to educate each of her children. And while academics are important, Megan's main focus is to ensure her children are educated with a Christian Worldview.