How to Cancel
If you need to cancel your Made2Homeschool subscription, please follow the instructions below:
We're glad you joined us and hate to see you go.
That being said, we of COURSE respect if you still want to cancel. You can do so here:
Just go to "billing info" at the top-right to cancel.
You'll retain access to Made2Homeschool features and benefits until the end of the current billing cycle (annual or monthly depending on your plan).
Once you have confirmed the cancellation, your subscription payments will be inactive, and you will no longer be charged for the subscription.
After canceling your subscription, you will lose access to your Offer Subscription at the end of the current billing cycle. You can view your canceled subscription and access end date in your Billing Information.
Looking for Terms & Conditions? You can find them here:
Contact Us
If you have any questions please reach out:
- By email: