Meet Our Contributors!

Abby B.
4 Children
Abby and her husband have homeschooled their four boys from the start. Currently the children are 5,7,7, and 9. She met her husband in 2009 at a Bible College where Abby double majored in Psychology and Christian Studies as well as receiving a minor in History. Her husband currently serves as a Pastor in Minnesota where the family resides.
Abby describes her homeschool method as Family Style Learning. She is quite eclectic in her use of curricula and methodology but often utilizes Unit Studies during their year round schedule. “There are many reasons we homeschool but we especially appreciate the opportunity to grow, learn, and worship as a family.” She believes that home provides a space for children to develop life long habits that will intensify their love not only for education but for a deeper relationship with God.
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” -Psalm 90:12